TWDB Adding 2 Additional Chances to Provide Feedback on Implementation of SB 7 and 8.

We had a great turnout yesterday for the TWDB’s Flood Stakeholder Flood Workshop in Lake Jackson. If you have not had a chance to participate in one of their sessions there are 3 more in person workshops along with 2 recently added webinars. For more information on remaining dates and times, visit the TWDB’s Website.

TWBD Stakeholder Meeting Status (08/13/2019)

As stated before, the purpose of these workshops is to allow elected officials, industry leaders, and the general public provide feedback on the implementation of SB 7 and SB 8. Public comments can be given at the workshops or sent to the TWDB before August 30.

If you cannot make one of the workshops, the TWDB has published their presentation to their website.

Overall it is a fairly aggressive schedule to implement these two monumental pieces of legislation. Make sure you subscribe to received future updates from the TWDB.

TWDB’s Timeline as Presented at Stakeholder Workshop

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